Clean waterways
With grant funding we develop projects with properties bordering water ways to do boots on the ground clean- ups. By focusing on improving freshwater quality along our rivers, creeks, and streams through fencing out cattle, weeding and revegetating the edges with native indigenous species and working with our partners.
We also invite scientists and experts to be guest species at gatherings to educate neighbors about the importance of keeping non-native or pest water weeds and fish species away from water ways and the threatened status of some of our native species.
Pictured left: Calophyllum are perfectly designed for protecting the beach foreshore from sand erosion with their extensive root system and the foreshore vegetation, an ancient tree with massive trunks and branches. A stunning and stately tree, with lovely green foliage all year their seed dispersal is from golf ball size and shape green balls that float on the ocean washing up along the coastline in the tropics. Known as the cyclone tree for their resilience, they are perfect for a hammock on a hot sunny day. Please take care of the foreshore vegetation, don’t clear, collect firewood, or thin out as many creatures rely on the protection for hunting and nesting.